Create UNREAL games at Game On – April 26-28

VFS intensive “Unreal” Game Design & Coding Workshop for Teens

 game on 2 vfs


Tuesday April 26th

Wednesday April 27th

Thursday April 28th





Visual Scripting Workshop (Unreal Engine)
grades 10-12
Visual Scripting Workshop (Unreal Engine)
grades 10-12
Visual Scripting Workshop (Unreal Engine)
grades 10-12

AM Schedule

VFS Workshop – Visual Scripting with Unreal Engine 4

  • For students in grades 10-12
  • Will be held in room 59
  • Priority will be given to students who interested in game design and in VFS
  • Maximum 30 students

 Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, you (the student) should be able to:

  • Know and describe what visual scripting is.
  • Create and edit visual scripts
  • Script basic player movement
  • Script the spawning of enemy AI
  • Use triggers to create scripted events.
  • Create and script a custom blueprint class (pickup).
  • Create a function that spawns enemies from a list.
  • Create a basic menu.
  • Take feedback from playtesting.
  • Script an exit sequence for game.
  • Script a unique enemy with phases and simple behaviors
  • Make gameplay changes based on feedback.

About the Instructors:

Steven Hicks
Steven Hicks lives and breathes Game Design. When it comes to generating, prototyping, and talking about new ideas forsteven hicks the wonderful art form of Video Games, there are no equivalents in his mind. Whether it is gameplay loops, design pillars, or creative vision, once he’s talking about design it’s hard to stop him! Since graduating from Vancouver Film School, Steven has worked as a Level Designer for the titles Quest for ValorCombat Sim, and Dash Punks, and currently works as a Junior Level Designer for Piranha Games in Vancouver. Steven especially loves working in teams, bouncing ideas off of people and getting feedback to make something better. He has learned so much from his education and industry experience so far, and looks forward to learning so much more!
Justin Meagher
A p73691_504718840365_4769258_nassion for creating worlds and defining rulesets led Justin Meagher to a career in game design. A ten year veteran of the game industry, Justin has developed for AAA game studio’s such as Electronic Arts as well as created indie titles that have been award nominated and featured on gaming sites such as Destructoid and Kotaku. Justin has spent many years instructing in the technical usage of Unreal Editor and in the design concepts that go into the level design process.