Voice Acting, ADR, and WALLA Workshop w/ Once Upon A Time's Michael Coleman – Monday, December 12

Voice Acting, ADR, and WALLA Workshop w/ Once Upon A Time’s Michael Coleman

A Mid-Ocean School of Media Arts & School Creative collaborative Workshop

Michael Coleman 

  • 9:00 am – 11:30 am Sisler High School – theory
  • 12:45 pm – 3:15 pm MOSMA – Hands on

Location: Sisler High School
9:00am – 9:45am

  • Vocal care/training/warm-up & the business of the business
  • Business
    • Agents
    • The Casting Process
    • Independent vs Mainstream
    • People who hire VOs (Animation, Video Game, Commercials, Narration, Corporate/Industrial)
    • Creating a voice-over demo
  •  Vocal Care/Warm-Up
  • Warming up exercises

9:45am – 10:30am
Voice Acting for Animation, Video Games & Commercials

  • Creating a voice library
  • How to find the voices inside of you
  • Finding what’s “not on the page”
  • Creating an active performance
  • Mic technique (distance, external noises, popping Ps)

10:30am – 11:30am

  • Character Exploration & The 8 tones of selling

Location: Mid-Ocean School of Media Arts
12:45pm – 2:45pm

  • What is it?
  • Words to avoid (names of characters in show unless instructed, brand names, swearing)
  • Types of conversations
  • Bed, solo, 2-handers, call outs, call outs on a rhythm timing,

Prelay & Animation auditioning

  • Finding what’s not on the page
  • Active performances
  • Taking direction


  • Matching the flaps
  • Matching the energy/performance

2:45pm – 3:15pm
Q & A and How to REALLY get into “the game”