Want to win up to $10,000? Every year, Trend Micro teams up with young filmmakers and artists to share new and inspiring stories of Internet safety. Get all the details on how you can share your story – and enter to win – here!
Source: Whats Your Story Contest – Trend Micro USA
More Details
Here’s how the What’s Your Story? video contest works:
Make sure you’re eligible to compete.
You must be 13 or over to enter this contest and currently enrolled in school (middle school, high-school, K-12, college, university, film school.). If you’re under 18, you will need parental or guardian approval. You can also compete as a school, where teachers can register their classrooms to enter. Read the official rules for more details about who exactly can compete.
Register on the site.
Your first step is to register yourself for this site. You will need this later on to submit your entry, and to rate or comment on other entries.
Work on your video.
Before you get started, make sure you know the rules. Your video must be:
- your own original work
- submitted in one of the following formats: .wmv, .mov or .mp4
- a minimum of 30 seconds to a maximum of 2 minutes in length
- a maximum of 100 MB in size.
- respectful of copyrights and of others. Make sure you have permission to use other people’s music, company logos, images, or photos. For more tips on this, check out our Resources.
Some other tips:
- Make sure your video answers the question for this year’s contest.
- If you are using images, music, information, or sounds created by someone else, make sure you have permission to use it. List your sources in your entry description or include it in your video credits.
- Check your audio. If you’re using background music with a voice speaking over it, make sure the voice can be heard clearly.
Submit your video.
Log back into the site and follow the steps for uploading your entry. You’ll get an email that will either confirm your entry has been approved or will ask you to edit and re-submit it.
Share your video.
This contest is about having a great message but also about being a good messenger. Let your friends, family, neighbors, classmates, and others know about your video. Share it on social media, websites, email, text, or in person! Encourage them to register on the site so they can rate and comment on your entry as well.
The Prizes:
There are two (2) grand prizes and lots of great runner-up prizes:
Grand Prize – Individual Entry $10,000
- 2nd place – Individual Entry $1,000
- 3rd place – Individual Entry $1,000
Grand Prize – School Entry $10,000
- 2nd place – School Entry $1,000
- 3rd place — School Entry $1,000
Dates to remember:
April 11, 2017: Last day to upload your entry.
April 25, 2017: Last day to rate and comment on all entries.
April 26, 2017: Judging period begins. Finalists notified on or about this day.
May 9, 2017: Winners announced sometime on or about this date.
This Year’s Theme:
“If you could change one thing about the internet, what would you change?”
The internet’s been around for a while and we can’t imagine life without it. So many good things have happened because of it: easy access to information, social networks, apps, YouTube videos, gaming, shopping, streaming music, raising awareness for great causes, and more.
But like anything else, it’s not perfect. There are trolls and hackers, ads we don’t care about, spam and fake news, and a lot less privacy. And now more than ever, it seems it’s harder to tell who you can trust and what’s actually true online.
Don’t get us wrong. We all love the internet. But there’s room for it to get better. So, if you could change one thing about the internet, what would it be? And how would you do it?
Have an answer? Then get a camera, and tell us your story! We want to know!
Be funny. Be dramatic. Be creative. Use live action, stop action, animation, music or none. Whatever you do, be real.
While you could possibly win one of our great prizes, we may also choose some of the most helpful and creative entries to include in a place online for the world to see.
Need some inspiration? Check out these great resources. And take a look at who’s won in the past.