Freeze Frame Education presents "Explore the Ocean" in VR w/ NFB & Jac Gautreau @ SislerIDM on March 8

Join us at Sisler IDM for “The Ocean School”  Virtual Reality presentation on March 8.

This workshop is being offered by Freeze Frame Education, On Screen Manitoba, the National Film Board and Jac Gautreau.

Instructor:  Jac Gautreau, NFB / ONF
Location: Room 57, Sisler High School
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 am


Presented in partnership with Freeze Frame, On Screen Manitoba and the National Film Board of Canada.
This workshop will interest anyone exploring the creative and production processes employed in producing a Virtual Reality project. Ocean School, an educational initiative co-created by Dalhousie University and the National Film Board of Canada, uses innovative pedagogical tools and powerful narrative techniques to inspire young people to better understand their impact on the ocean and the impact of the ocean on them. Gautreau will present the production process, the techniques used to capture and post-produce the content, as well as the educational concepts that guide the project. Participants will have a chance to try the prototype using equipment provided at the workshop, including smart phones, tablets and virtual reality helmets. The workshop will be in English.
Driven by artistic challenges and a thirst for creative adventure, Jac employed his diverse skills to produce the East Coast Music Awards gala for twelve years as well as the multimedia live shows Le violon fantastiqueTracady Story 1, 2 and 3D, and Page d’Amérique.  In 2015 he joined the NFB as Producer in the Canadian Francophone Studio – Acadie where he is in charge of production for the ambitious Ocean School, a project which brings traditional documentary elements, interactivity, and virtual reality together in an innovative educational experience.