Thank you Trent Correy, Disney, Manitoba Film & Music and Tangent Animation

What an amazing 2 days of Animation awesomeness!

Thank you students, Disney, Manitoba Film & Music, Tangent Animation Studios and most of all Trent Correy. You keep on inspiring the future generation of animators.

The MAniJam (Manitoba Animation Jam Out Session) is a creative experience brought to you by Sisler IDM, Disney Animator Trent Correy, Tangent Animation Studios and Manitoba Film & Music. Over 120 student film-makers, animators & artists learned about the real industry and how to get there.  In addition to the wonderful talks & workshops, students were challenged to create an animation starting and ending in a circle on a stage using any medium, such as: paper & pencil, Adobe Flash, Adobe After Effects and/or Adobe Photoshop in just 3 hours. We had a blast!

Here is what we covered:

March 6:

  • 9:00 – 10:15: Presentation: Trent’s Path to working at Disney/Portfolio
  • 10:30 – 11:45: Animation Jam begins
  • 12:45 – 2:00:  Animation Jam (continued) – Submit exported animations at 3:30.
  • 2:10 – 3:10:  Pitching a story to executives and how to start an animated short film

March 7:

  • 9:00 – 9:45: The Animation Pipeline & How to get into the animation industry talk
  • 10:00 – 10:20: Animation Jam Showcase of student work compiled as one short film
  • 10:30 – 11:45: How to Draw Caricature Workshop
  • 12:45 – 1:30: Hands-on workshop on Appeal & Solid Drawing (Principles of Animation)
  • 1:40 – 2:30:  Showcase of Animation Pipeline/Portfolio to special education students

Here are the work-files:

Trent and Kara drawing caricatures of each other from Kara Vallega on Vimeo.