Lunch and Learn: Using Personal Branding to Land Your Dream Job

Looking for work can be stressful, especially when you don’t know where to start.

Most companies expect a robust work history and a high degree of professionalism from any candidate, and it can be hard to wow a potential boss or client unless you have a solid online reputation to back up your credentials.
Enter personal branding: a series of strategies designed to help showcase the best version of yourself online. This tactic is similar to traditional branding for companies, but instead of focusing on attracting customers, the goal of personal branding is to establish your identity and attract new clients and employers.
Building a strong personal brand is a strategy which delivers long-term results, and can be critical to landing your dream job, finding the perfect client, and establishing yourself as a smart and savvy professional for years to come.
Our Goal:
To help job-seekers use their personal brand to attract new clients and employers.
Learning outcomes / takeaways for attendees
During this free lunch and learn session, you’ll learn:

  • What personal branding is, and why it matters
  • How to use your personal brand to promote your services
  • How to use social media to amplify your reach
  • Why blogging isn’t dead (and why you should be doing it)
  • The best tools to help you stay on track

When: June 21st | 12pm
Where: ACI Learning Classroom
Cost: Free for members ($10 Non-members), Light lunch provided
Our Presenter
photo of Alyson
Alyson Shane has been publishing content online for over 15 years, and runs Starling Social , a content marketing agency which specializes in copywriting and social media management services.
She is an annual speaker at Red River College’s Creative Communications Program, at conferences such as MBlog 2014  and the Manitoba Trucking Association’s Driving the Future 20/20 Conference, and has been featured on Shaw TV as one of Winnipeg’s Hottest Bloggers.
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