3 day Concept Art & Animation Workshop with Tom Pajdlhauser from Nov 13-15

Visit me online: http://www.tomaspajdlhauser.com/locationlayout/
Location Design & Layout
Hot Wheels The Origin of Awesome – The challenge in developing the look and feel of this project (movie, series & webisodes) was to create a world where the 3D Hot Wheels cars integrated into a 2D world of characters, twisting tracks, rolling city streets, and automotive inspired transformations referred to as “awesomeness.”
Various development projects – A lot of my time is spent working on various development projects that may or may not have their chance to entertain an audience.
Stella and Sam – This Radical Sheep series was based very closely on the illustrated books by author/illustrator, Marie-Louise Gay. The biggest challenge was adapting Marie-Louise’s lovely illustrative style for a functioning television production without straying from the expressive nature of her books.
Mickey Mouse Shorts – I had the privilege of supervising season 01 background layout on this fantastic cartoon. The bulk of my work included adapting Disney designs for animation production and laying out new angles from storyboard.