The truths about working in the Animation Industry – A discussion WIA (Women In Animation

Please join Vanessa Jacobsen and Barb. Dawson,  from Women In Animation (WIA) on May 22nd, 2020 at 11:00 am (central time) as we learn more about:

  • what it is really like working in the animation industry,  
  • studio life
  • what does WIA do

WIA’s Mission Statement: WIA envisions a world in which when share fully in the creation, production and rewards of animation resulting in a richer, more diverse entertainment and media that move our culture forward.

Vanessa Jacobsen – All about the fun!  

  • Past Studio Manager at Hydraulx VFX 
  • Past Head of 3D Animation and VFX, Classical & Concept Art Programs at VFS 
  • Past toy store owner 
  • WIA – Co-chair of the student outreach committee
  • 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 horses

Barb Dawson

Barb Dawson has been working in CG animation and VFX for over 25 years as a Producer, Manager, Recruiter and Educator. Barb’s understanding of the needs of a production is based on first hand experience in the trenches of the industry. Barb’s specialty is creating high functioning crews by bringing the right people together with a diversity of skills and experience. Barb understand how artists want to work and this helps Barb manage them in a way that supports the needs of a project while giving them the autonomy to do their jobs.


Women In Animation

recorded event: