CREATE Students Learn Story Building from Writer Jump

On September 14, 2021 Paul Donnett from Writer Jump gave a masterclass to Sisler CREATE Students on:

Coming Up With Story Ideas That Audiences & Studios will LOVE
Story is the most powerful force on the planet – which makes storytellers Earth’s greatest real-life superheroes! Discover the stories inside you
and unlock your unique and powerful story voice. Learn how top writers, filmmakers, and content creators find their stories and how to decide which ones are worth your time and energy to develop.

Paul Donnett has been a proud supporter and participant of Sisler CREATE since 2016. Screenwriter, producer, director, and graphic novelist, Paul has worked as a studio reader, film festival judge, guest panelist, and post-secondary educational director. As an instructor, he has taught writing and film production at Vancouver Film School and Langara College, and SchoolCreative Institute of the Arts, and served as VP of Academics at Vancouver Acting School before founding WriterJump.

WriterJump coaches writers, filmmakers and content creators around the world to develop and pitch stories for major festivals and competitions, as well as streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon. For more info, visit Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Thank you Paul Donnett for donating your time to foster the next generation of storytellers!