Game Design Student Showcase – Fars Keffela

Fars Keffela is a student in the Post-High Game Design cohort. His game, ‘Goal Rush,’ is a PvE (Player vs Entity) soccer game in which teams are composed of 3 players trying to score as many goals as possible!

Growing up, Fars grew up playing soccer and always had a liking for it, so when the cohort was first asked what game they wanted to create, his mind immediately went to soccer. Despite being very familiar with the mechanics of the sport, implementing them into a video game format was much more tricky than expected.

Fars is currently working on further polishing the movements and mechanics for a cleaner gameplay experience, also working on textures and implementing the player model. He’d also like to thank Maribelle for creating the ‘Goal Rush’ logo seen on the main menu.

All of this comes with the support of Jeff Santos from CBC Kids and mentorship from Ubisoft Winnipeg.