A Celebration of Game Design & Coding in Manitoba

Register for Sisler IDM’s third annual G3 ‘Game On’ educational event
Please note that teachers must submit team entries!
Game On is Sisler High School’s annual game conference where students can learn from industry experts and build a game. This year’s conference is a two-day event. The first day will consist of student workshop led by industry experts where students will learn different skills to create a game. On the second day students (grade 6-8) will create their own game and learn 21st century skills such as collaborating, critical thinking, communication, and creativity. Students in grades 9-12 will demonstrate a game or app they have worked on over the past year in a “Game Demo Fair” and be judged by industry.
These skills have always been important for students, and now in the 21st century these skills are now more essential than ever. Students need to think deeply, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate clearly, and learn new technologies as they create their game.
- When: Thursday, February 2 and Friday, February 3 of Exam week @ end of Semester 1
- Who can participate: Students in grades 6-12 (two categories: grades 6-8, grades 9-12) from any Winnipeg School Division school
- Team size: 3 students per team (maximum of 3 teams per school … excluding Sisler).
- Where: Sisler IDM
- Fee: No Fee (thanks to partners)
- Lunch & Snacks: Provided (thanks to partners)
What to expect!
Grade 6-8:
2 days of Workshops and Game Jam Competition
Rubric to be posted on a later date
Grade 9-12:
- Day 1 – Industry-led Workshops
- Day 2 – Present the best game/app you have created in the last year. Student (or groups) will be expected to showcase any their concept work, wireframes, prototypes, code & game to industry judges.
Rubric to be posted on a later date
Proposed Agenda:
Thursday, February 2
Keynote Speaker – 9:00 – 9:30
- Lead Staff from Vancouver Film School’s Game Design Department
Workshop 1 – 9:40 – 10:40
- Workshop 1a (9-12) – Game Characters with Chris Darnbrough (Freelance Animator) room 57
- Workshop 1b (6-8) – Coding in Construct2 with Bernard Alibudbud (Sisler High School) room 59
- Workshop 1c (6-8) – Game Sound Design with Carlos Vela (Mid-Ocean School of Media room 58
- Workshop 1d (9-12) – Coding with Dylan Fries (Electric Monk Media) room 62
- Workshop 1e (9-12) – VR Dev with Khal Shariff (Project WhiteCard) room 55
Workshop 2 – 10:45 – 11:45
- Workshop 2a (9-12) – Game Characters with Chris Darnbrough (Freelance Animator) room 57
- Workshop 2b (6-8) – Coding in Construct2 with Bernard Alibudbud (Sisler High School) room 59
- Workshop 2c (6-8) – Game Sound Design with Carlos Vela (Mid-Ocean School of Media room 58
- Workshop 2d (9-12) – Coding with Dylan Fries (Electric Monk Media) room 62
- Workshop 2e (9-12) – VR Dev with Khal Shariff (Project WhiteCard) room 55
Workshop 3 – 12:45 – 1:45
- Workshop 3a (9-12) – Game Characters with Chris Darnbrough (Freelance Animator) room 57
- Workshop 3b (6-8) – Coding in Construct2 with Bernard Alibudbud (Sisler High School) room 59
- Workshop 3c (6-8) – Game Sound Design with Carlos Vela (Mid-Ocean School of Media) room 58
- Workshop 3d (9-12) – Coding with Dylan Fries (Electric Monk Media) room 62
- Workshop 3e (9-12) – VR Dev with Khal Shariff (Project WhiteCard) room 55
Workshop 4 – 1:50 – 2:50
- Workshop 4a (9-12) – Game Characters with Chris Darnbrough (Freelance Animator) room 57
- Workshop 4b (6-8) – Coding in Construct2 with Bernard Alibudbud (Sisler High School) room 59
- Workshop 4c (6-8) – Game Sound Design with Carlos Vela (Mid-Ocean School of Media) room 58
- Workshop 4d (9-12) – Coding with Dylan Fries (Electric Monk Media) room 62
- Workshop 4e (9-12) – VR Dev with Khal Shariff (Project WhiteCard) room 55
Moving into Friday Presentation – 3:00 – 3:15
- Outline of Game Jam Challenge (grades 6-8) & Game On Displays (grades 9-12) for Friday
Friday, February 3
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
- Grades 6-9 Game On Challenge
- Showcase of student games/apps begin
12:45 am – 2:00 pm
- Judging of Game On Jam Challenge
- “The Gaming Industry in Manitoba” Closing Speaker (NMM & Local Game Dev)
2:05 pm – 3:00 pm
- Awards
- Thank you
Grade 6-8 Recognition:
- Best Grade 6 game/app
- Best Grade 7 game/app
- Best Grade 8 game/app
Grade 9-12 Recognition:
- Best Grade 9 game/app
- Best Grade 10 game/app
- Best Grade 11 game/app
- Best Grade 12 game/app
- Best Asset Developer
- Best Sound Design
- Best Coder
- Best in show
- Best Group Game
Stay Tuned for more updates!
Guests, Presenters, Judges & Speakers:
Partners: Sisler High School, New Media Manitoba, Electric Monk Media, Mid-Ocean School of Media Arts, Vancouver Film School, Project WhiteCard, Warpgate Initiative