- 1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).
- Post it online
- Hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2017,
- Handles (tag) @INKtober @sisleranimation
- Repeat
Note: you can do it daily, or go the half-marathon route and post every other day, or just do the 5K and post once a week. What ever you decide, just be consistent with it. INKtober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better.
That’s it! Now go make something beautiful.
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Prompt List:

Sisler Concept Art Course INKtober:
This activity may be completed using Photoshop, SketchBook or on paper. Oh, must be ink.
Hint! Start your 31 day Inktober challenge on October 1. Do not wait until the night before the due date. A key to drawing is to draw every day.
When drawing, we are only focused on the edges. This means that you will draw only the outside of an object or the lines made by a fold or pattern. Don’t get fooled into using the line to draw light and dark. The weight of a line — that is, how dark and thick it is — will give your drawing dimension.
- A strong, dark line will jump out from the paper.
- A light or thin line will sink into the paper.
The 31 day ink drawing activity
This activity will take place during the first 20 minutes of each class. Weekends and missed classes are to be done on your own time.
Each drawing must be dated, signed and marked as “Day # – _________”