About the 2019
Here is the final sponsorship poster for 24 HOURS 2019! A HUGE thank you to all of our sponsors!!!! This year we have almost 1500 competing from 64 schools in 9 countries – all working hard at the same 24 Hour time frame around the world to complete their own 30 second animated film based on a theme. Teams compete for 5 place prizes (combined value totaling more than $31,000) AND for the first time a special prize will be awarded to one team of our High Schools in the competition! A panel of industry judges (announced tomorrow) are signed on and ready to receive the films. All of the excitement begins tomorrow Friday Oct 4 at 3pm PST on YouTube live (link will be shared on this FB page). Everybody get ready for the most exciting, largest, ambitious 24 HOURS yet…Frame On!!!

Participating Schools
Howdy all! Registration is now officially closed! Here’s the final list of teams for 24 HOURS contest 2019. Any questions or final changes please DM us or shoot us an email. Good luck yall!
- Academy of Art University: San Francisco, CA, USA (11)
- Lizards of Venice
- Busy Friday
- Beans n Soup
- No Wifi, No Cry
- BidiBidi BomBom
- Go Motion!
- The Untamed
- CherryBOMB
- Sub D Visions
- Lizards of Venice
- Art Institute of Houston: Houston, TX, USA(1)
- Punny
- Punny
- Austin Peay State University: Austin, TX, USA (2)
- The Keyframers
- Maya Mia
- The Keyframers
- Azusa Pacific University: Azusa, CA, USA (2)
- 5 FPS
- Oozma Kappa
- 5 FPS
- Belas Artes University: São Paulo, Brasil (12)
- Frog with sword
- Ornitorrincos
- os tayroxianos do terror
- Sputnik Studio
- Jabuticaba
- outsiders
- Hot Nachos
- Os fantasmas
- 24 horas de energético
- DrimTim
- Animators: into the anime-verse
- Los Chameleons
- Frog with sword
- California Institute of the Arts (13): CA, USA
- Rabbit Hole
- Ratpack
- Dino Nugs and One, Single Piece of Tofu
- miserable little pile of secrets
- Pixel Buns
- tEAm
- Mickey’s Mouse
- Team KuZi
- Hassling the hoff
- Foot Gru
- Calarts (the team)
- Lego Fingers
- Poppy
- Rabbit Hole
- Cañada College: Redwood City, CA, USA(3)
- Sketchy Hooligans
- F is for friends who suffer together
- Magnetica
- Sketchy Hooligans
- Capilano University: North Vancouver, BC, Canada(12)
- Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies
- The Foolish Knaves
- Chicken Crimes
- The Angelas
- Corgi Club
- Vibe Check
- Facebook Peanut Butter Counter-Strike: Source
- Corner Calamity
- Chapless Cowboys
- Cozy Cryptids
- Smeckles
- CrowBros
- Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies
- Central Michigan University: Michigan, USA(1)
- Hive 224, Baby
- Hive 224, Baby
- City University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong (2)
- GonGone
- Animagination
- GonGone
- Cogswell Polytechnical College: CA, USA (2)
- The Backslides
- RedZone
- The Backslides
- Columbus College of Art and Design: Ohio, USA(8)
- The 5 Dimensions
- TJ Chaney
- Avocado sis
- Team Venture
- Long Story Short
- The 5 Old Men
- Bekah and the Nunns
- The Circus
- The 5 Dimensions
- Concordia University: Montreal, Canada (1)
- Yeehaw Yeedraw
- Yeehaw Yeedraw
- Creative Hill College: Czech Republic (1)
- road work ahead
- road work ahead
- CSC- Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia: Rome, Italy(1)
- Chulo!
- Chulo!
- CSUC: CA, USA (12)
- The 13th Generation
- Brave Bulls
- Pluto is Real
- Al’du Animators
- The Bee Team
- Why Bears, Why?
- Mangekyou Pyro
- Yam Jam
- Space Cowboys
- Two-Dimensional Thrifters
- The Renaissance
- The 2D Squad
- The 13th Generation
- CSUF: CA, USA(11)
- Team Spicy 2.0
- Don’t Stop (motion) Me Now
- No Plane No Gain
- Vampirates
- Tuff it Out
- Team Tiramisu
- Team Rocket
- It’s Always Smoggy in California
- Irregular Planets
- Sketchbook Storytellers
- Pink Elephants on Parade
- Team Spicy 2.0
- CSULA: CA, USA (5)
- Skeleton Cadets
- Twinkle Toes
- Viribus
- Golden Glory *
- Skeleton Cadets
- CSULB: CA, USA(10)
- Words Are Hard
- S-Tier Muskateers
- Viva Las Hot Cheeto Girls
- Nothing Inappropriate
- The Bull Phrogs
- y’alls
- The Boy$
- Dying in Typography
- Ccats
- Grilled Cheese Dance Party
- Words Are Hard
- CSUN: CA, USA(10)
- Team Beachplums
- Nutter Butter
- Sleeping Sloths
- Eatingloanz
- Mesozoic 5
- The Gamer Girls
- Team XBOX
- Hunky Punks
- Alpha Wolf
- ThanksMan Productions
- Team Beachplums
- DigiPen Institute of Technology: WA, USA (1)
- Less Noise Maybe
- Less Noise Maybe
- Don Mills Collegiate Institute HS: Ontario, CA (1)
- Marioh-Chou Radio
- Marioh-Chou Radio
- East Los Angeles College: Los Angeles, CA, USA (3)
- Zesty Bois
- Key to the Frame
- Moldy Marshmallows
- Zesty Bois
- Edinboro University of Pennsylvania: PA, USA (8)
- The Keystone Animators
- The Onion Skins
- One Man Show
- (Vocalization)
- Devito’s Doritos
- The Stokers
- The Tinfoil is on Fire!(again)
- Broken Pens & Crumpled Paper
- The Keystone Animators
- Escola Britânica de Artes Criativas (EBAC): São Paulo, Brasil (1)
- oVo
- oVo
- FAAP: São Paulo, Brasil(2)
- Gluten Tag
- Supera
- Gluten Tag
- Ferris State University: MI, USA (1)
- Mega Flying Bulldogs
- Mega Flying Bulldogs
- Franklin High School: CA, USA(1)
- UWU Soft Bois UWU
- UWU Soft Bois UWU
- Grand Valley State University: MI, USA (1)
- Yeet or Be Yeeted
- Yeet or Be Yeeted
- ITESM Campus Querétaro: Queretaro, Mexico (9)
- Noobz
- Totopos
- Tlacuaches
- Its Muffin Team
- Xidori
- Licuado de Arándano y Durazno team
- Chicle de Choclo
- Perfect Fifth
- Noobz
- ITESM, Campus Monterrey: Monterrey, Mexico(4)
- Animateam
- Tiburones de Rancho
- World Domination
- Golden Deer
- Animateam
- Kansas City Art Institute: MO, USA (4)
- Meat-o Vision
- Death by Lightbox
- 72 Nocturnal Nerds
- Nightbox
- Meat-o Vision
- Kendall College of A/d: MI, USA (4)
- World’s Okayest Animators
- Project 24
- Studio 7
- Toon Goons
- World’s Okayest Animators
- Kingston University London: London, UK (3)
- Charlie Chonker and the Chonklet Factory
- Curry in a Hurry
- Unkles on Show
- Charlie Chonker and the Chonklet Factory
- Laguna College of Art and Design: CA, USA (5)
- The Eccentric Breakdowns
- Hot Cheetos
- Could we change it later?
- GBESF (Golden Blue Eagle Strike Force)
- Mamirhezabee
- The Eccentric Breakdowns
- Loyola Marymount University: Los Angeles, CA, USA (1)
- The Tone Ohms
- The Tone Ohms
- Metropolitan Community College: NB, USA (1)
- Espionage Animations
- Espionage Animations
- MTSU: TN, USA (8)
- Rig-atoni
- 2D or not 2D
- Murphys Guidelines
- A Single Braincell
- Red Team
- Yes Chef
- Render Fluid
- Wuthering Wolves
- Rig-atoni
- Nevada State College: NV, USA(2)
- Pencil Pushers
- The Hill People
- Pencil Pushers
- OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design) : Ontario, Canada (4)
- Mr.pepper
- Disconnected juice lab
- Mystic Sapphire
- Hairless Tool Guy
- Mr.pepper
- Otis College of Art and Design: Los Angeles, CA, USA (1)
- Mandrills
- Mandrills
- Point Park University: PA, USA (1)
- Beep Beep Bison
- Beep Beep Bison
- Portsmouth University: Portsmouth, UK(3)
- Slow Lane Inbetweeners
- Soft Paws
- Soup Dragons
- Slow Lane Inbetweeners
- Rangsit University: Bangkok, Thailand (5)
- Stonk of Sukhothai
- Yare Yare Daze
- 404 errors
- Sheep.zip
- asdfjkl.psd
- Stonk of Sukhothai
- Ringling College of Art and Design: FL, USA (3)
- Previs Plan
- CV
- Supply the Adhesive
- Previs Plan
- Salt Lake Community College: UT, USA (2)
- Closing Time
- Inverse Mythical Kinesis
- Closing Time
- Sam Houston State University: TX, USA(3)
- Sleepless at Sam
- Candy for Breakfast
- McDumplings
- Sleepless at Sam
- San Jose State University: CA, USA (7)
- Peace Ratz
- Goo Goo GO
- Team DuckHorse
- The Chungsters
- GraveDiggers
- Hellmo
- Jugemu Jugemus
- Peace Ratz
- SCAD: GA, USA(15)
- The Wicked Weenies
- Chunky Filas
- Inflate Flat!
- Anisomniacs
- Quick Key
- *cough cough*
- Chop and Stick
- One Fear
- 6 Shooter; empty cartridge
- The Insomniacs
- Untitled
- Three-Question-Marks???
- The Wicked Weenies
- School of Visual Arts: NY, USA (1)
- Crocks with Socks
- Crocks with Socks
- Seneca College: Ontario, Canada (9)
- Sweet Potato Fries
- Fried Chicken Squad
- Cheeky Chimkins
- Fugu
- Eyebags
- Five Showers
- Blood Pact
- Highway 407 to Hell
- Open 48 Hrs
- Sweet Potato Fries
- SFSU: CA, USA (2)
- Little Ratscles
- Franksteam
- Little Ratscles
- Sheridan: Oakville, Ontario, CA (20)
- Mooncakes
- Beans
- SouthPorcupine
- University of Applied Himbology
- Pentad
- Nicebreakers
- Eleboo
- Bone Hurty
- Large Marge Studios™
- Professional Daydreamers
- The Pop-Tart Pals
- We really can’t decide and we’re wasting time so lets just go with this – romantic comedy
- uWusters
- Flaming Mignonnnn
- Mangekyo in the Eyez
- Howdy Bois
- cheese makes our kokoro go doki doki
- Sunny Studios
- Mooncakes
- Sisler High School: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (2)
- Um-plum
- Leducks Army
- Um-plum
- Universidad del Valle de Puebla: Puebla, México (1)
- Mex I Can
- Mex I Can
- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina: Santa Catarina,Brazil (5)
- Electric Boogaloo
- Ratonhos
- Average Matinta Perera Awareness
- CafézeS
- Aaaaaaaaaaah
- Electric Boogaloo
- University of California-Berkeley: Berkeley, CA, USA (5)
- Uncultured Crust Bucket
- United Cow Bonanza
- Fig
- Miyazaka Flocka Flame
- University of Hawaii at Manoa: HI, USA (1)
- Spicy Ahi
- Spicy Ahi
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette: LA, USA (2)
- *Chicken Noises*
- Buy One Take One
- *Chicken Noises*
- University of Pennsylvania: PA, USA(3)
- Josh’s Sheep Farm
- 24 House
- killer team
- Josh’s Sheep Farm
- University of Salford: Manchester, UK (1)
- Dude, where’s my cintiq?
- Dude, where’s my cintiq?
- USC (3), CA, USA
- 5 Guys
- We Love Brownie
- Basically we are babey
- 5 Guys
- Villa Maria College: NY, USA (3)
- Could have done it sooner
- Cuddling Cuties
- Team A Team
- Could have done it sooner
- Virginia Commonwealth University: VA, USA (3)
- Onion Skin
- The Flocks
- Fatal Heart Attack
- Onion Skin
- Woodbury: CA, USA (3)
- SnickerDoodlers
- The Paint Bucketeers
- SnickerDoodlers