Register in room 57
Workshop will be capped at 32 students.
Day 1 – Workshop – Digital Background Painting with Photoshop
Each student will pick from 3 different background line art. They will Digitally Paint a background using Photoshop. This artwork will have a foreground, midground and background. This is so we can create a multiplane/parallax camera move within Toon Boom in day 2 of the workshop.
Day 2 – Workshop – Toonboom Harmony Compositing
Each student will create a unique scene using a combination of the digitally painted background from the previous days workshop and premade animation and FX elements.
The students will import the previous days work from photoshop into ToonBoom Harmony. We will create a camera move with parallax. We will add premade hand drawn animation as well as special FX animation. We add blurs, glows, flash frames as needed.
Thursday Feb 27th | Friday Feb 28th |
AM – Class BG Painting Pick artwork Determine mood and palette Block out base colours for clipping masks First pass | AM – Class Toonboom Harmony Compositing Multiplane Camera Moves using 3D space Add blurs to various levels |
PM – Class BG Painting continued Add shadows and highlights Add texture as needed Import artwork to ToonBoom | PM – Class Compositing FXGlow Flash Frames |