Mr. Diljeet Brar (Burrows): I rise in the House today to recognize some incredibly talented students and educators from Sisler High School. Team Clam, which includes Sisler CREATE students Xierra Cansino, Kimberly Chau, Sam Balanial, Gian Abad, Francesca Musni, took the top prize for best high school in the recent 24 HOURS Animation Contest for Students.
Teams around the world were asked with creating a 30-second animation in 24 hours. Their entries were then judged by a panel of industry leaders. I had the pleasure of meeting Team Clam and the department head, Jamie Leduc, a few months ago, where I got to learn about their 24-hour whirlwind experience.
From planning, to drafting, to creating, the stu- dents had to get this all done within a 24-hour time frame. In those 24 hours, team members took turns napping and snacking while others worked. The prompt for the challenge was to visualize life 100 years into the future, and Team Clam made a humorous short animation titled Superfluous, which depicts a future where birds rule the earth and embody humankind’s wasteful tendencies and desire to consume and keep consuming.
Xierra, Kimberly, Sam, Gian and Francesca exemplify excellence, and I am proud that such young leaders are representing Burrows and our province on the global stage. I also want to applaud the success of the CREATE program, led by Jamie Leduc, which
gives students the opportunity to learn filmmaking, game design, animation and other digital media.
Team Clam is already making their mark in the animation industry, with all five group members being selected for internships with notable industry giants, and I wish them all success.
Madam Speaker, I ask all members to join me in recognizing Team Clam, their families and educators who are here with us in the gallery.
Thank you.